About TakeNote

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TakeNote is designed by teachers for teachers to easily capture, store and analyze formative data all in one place. No more binders, no more sticky notes. More of doing what you do best — providing high-quality, tailored instruction that meets your students where they're at.

Capture observational notes and conduct ongoing formative assessment. TakeNote records:


Strengths: What students are doing well. The skills and strategies that they know how to do independently.


Teaching Points: Morsels of individualized instruction that take place during conferences, designed to teach the skills to level up.


Next Steps: Make plans for what you and your student can do to keep growing their skills.


With NoteTaker, easily capture data while conferencing.


With NoteBook, store and analyze data with dashboards that show conferring records and help you plan for future instruction.

For further details on how your data is used and stored, please see our Privacy Policy.